A company that is able to express its philosophy, even when it produces anonymously, for third parties, with the customer’s brand, consciously contributing to define the taste and the product required.




Although a strange method, because of coffee crusts and big cups of hot water, the brazilian tasting  or cupping method is the International system for the evaluation of coffee quality, flaw and quotation.

With cupping, it is possible to feel the finest  coffee sensations, but it is a difficult method, requiring experience, sensibility and attention to all aspects of tasting preparation, because it can be influenced by every little change.

To have a perfect Brazilian tasting it is necessary to grind 8,25 gr of coffee, quite roughly (grinding should let pass the 30% of coffee using an 850 micron colander).
The grinding is then poured into a cup with 150 ml of boiled water (boiled only once), between 93 and 95 degrees.
The first olfactory test can now be made, slowly moving the coffee crust inside the cup, with a tasting spoon.
After four minutes from pouring, using two tasting spoons, it is possible to gently take away the crust and have the real coffee tasting, vaporizing, or rather strongly inspiring the coffee to let it reach as many flavor papillas as possible.

It is clear that cupping doesn’t allow the evaluation of traditional characteristics of coffee such as color or cream persistency.
But it is the best way to compare different kind of coffees, understand flaws just like ground, jute, grass or rio scent (rio is a scent of iodine, like the Turkish coffee).

It’s a tough responsibility, that’s why cupping tasting is made using ten cups with the same coffee and by at least three tasters, to have an opinion as much objective as possible.
